Saturday, June 7, 2014

What is ET (Educational Technology) and what it can do for us?

We got the opportunity to brainstorm on what ET (Educational Technology) is and what exactly it can do for us. Educational Technology automates all structured learning Processes, making them productive and efficient. Hence, teachers can use available instructional resources for higher order learning, which creates value and meaning for learners (NU, ET definition). It allows to have transformation of content based teaching practices to processes based teaching practices.
It focuses mainly on pedagogy not only on technology tools. It cater to different types of learner in the same classroom and enable teacher to understand  how learners’ brains work to engage them for purposeful learning. Through this we learn to develop instructional designs using different learning themes. ET blends variety of learning strategies and develops an environment for collaborative learning by including the components of experiential learning. The foremost (and long-lasting) benefit of ET is it keeps you abreast with the changing world.

I am thankful to Harleen (YPS, Mohali), Vasumathi (Miyo Girls School, Ajmer and Apu, Miyo Boys School, Ajmer) for their inputs during discussion and enthusiastic involvement in all the activities we got to do throughout the stay.
I acknowledge, on behalf of all of us, the guidance and support of our mentors Prof. Mandke and Dr. Shradha Kanwar.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Talk of Prof. Karmeshu on 'Diffusion of ICT and Critical Mass'

Date: June 06’ 2014 (Friday)
Venue: ETIC, NU
Resource Person: Prof. Karmeshu (School of computer and system sciences, JNU, Delhi)

Following were present:
Prof. Vijay Mandke
Ms. Deepti
Ms. Vasu
Ms. Harleen
Ms. Juhi
Mr. Jatinder
Mr. Tarun
Mr. Apu
Suresh Joshi
Focus areas of the presentation were perspectives on learning, how to learn and what are the connections of physics (and other subjects too) with the current learning practices. Prof. Karmeshu talks about the probability, ICT diffusion, SCI and SSCI journals and why personalized learning is not taking a boom. He emphasized that it is due to lack of teacher training in our education system. ICT which is identified as convergence of information processing and communication system has been discussed and ICT diffusion phases have also been discussed which are as follows:
1.     Knowledge phase
2.     Persuation phase
3.     Decision phase
4.     Implementation
5.     confirmation
(Reference – ICT knowledge for ICT diffusion: Rogers)

Innovation diffusion processes have been discussed along with the adoption through communication channels, mass media and inter-personal communication (word of mouth) and finally we came to know that how to promote innovative thinking. Rigorous discussion took place when Prof Mandke talks about on how the principles of practices of learning engineering can be brought into the teaching practices to make them brain aligned. It is explored through the brainstorming discussion was the information processing rate and flow of information are the vital components of knowledge progression.
        In a nut shell, the talk was highly informative and all ET scholars were able to interact with the resource person individually. We thank to Prof. Karmeshu for delivering the fruitful lecture and Prof. Mandke and Dr. Shradha Kanwar for having organized such a great learning event for us.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Value stream presentation at NU....finally..

Date: June 04' 14
Venue: Education Technology Innovation Center, NU

Today we were very excited to present our value streams that we have been working on from last four months. Value stream documents were presented in the form of research and development project papers (I, II and III) by all the students of M. Tech. (ET) program in the university. Presentations have been evaluated by Prof. Vijay V Mandke, Mentor Professor of ET area and Dr. Shradha Kanwar, Associate Professor and area director of ET in the university. Three presentations are over (Vasumathi, Suresh and Jatinder), three are left (Tarun, Juhi and Harleen) and Appu Dey was presenting at the time of writing the post.
It has been actually a value creating, strategizing, developing and implementing what we have learnt as ET scholars at NU.

Here comes rest of the presentations of Appu, Juhi, Tarun and Harleen.


All of us are highly thankful to our mentors Prof. Mandke and Dr. Shradha for their guidance while developing these research documents and, more prominently, during the program.

 I gratefully acknowledge the guidance and support of my Principal Mr. Ashok K Pandey, mentorship of Prof. Mandke and Dr. Shradha and cooperation of my fellow ET scholars during the program. Financial support of Ahlcon International School and NIIT university in pursuing the course is greatly acknowledged.