Thursday, February 14, 2013

CBSE Board Special - 2013

25 Important Topics for Class - XII (Physics) 

Numbers are narrowing down day by day......but mind is becoming more active......

Only 7 Days (and 7 Nights too.....) to GO!

Are you ready?

1.    Gauss’s law and its applications.
2.    Van de Graff generator.
3.    Potentiometer with applications (internal resistance of a primary cell and comparing emf).
4.    Force on a current carrying conductor.
5.    Ampere’s circuital law and its applications (solenoid and toroid).
6.    Force between two parallel currents.
7.    Torque on a current carrying coil.
8.    Moving coil galvanometer.
9.    Time period of a bar magnet placed in an external magnetic field.
10.  A. C. Generator.
11.  Power dissipated in LCR.
12.  Refraction through a spherical surface.
13.  Lens makers’ formula.
14.  Compound microscope and telescope (image formation and derivation of magnification).
15.  Huygens’s principle used for law of reflection and refraction.
16.  Derivation of fringe width.
17.  Effects of photoelectric current on different parameters (with graph).
18.  Davisson – Germer experiment.
19.  Binding energy curve.
20.  Half wave and full wave rectifiers.
21.  Zener diode and its application as voltage regulator.
22.  NPN – CE transistor amplifier.
23.  Transistor as an oscillator.
24.  Modulation and its necessity.
25.  Amplitude modulation and detection with block diagrams.
All the Best!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Follow teaching material of classes XI & XII on the link given below..

This is a link to, where you will find so many physics topics (of class XI & XII) explained in an easy and understandable manner.... 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

21st Century ICT Leadership Program....

Logo of students teaching student and Teacher training teacher....
Suggestions are welcome for any changes in the logo ...from the future leaders....

You can mail it

Friday, February 1, 2013

CBSE - 2013 Special.......for Physics

Important topics         Class: - XII (Physics)     

Numbers are narrowed down now....

Only 27 Days (and 27 Nights too.....) to GO!

Are you ready?

1.    Gauss’s law and its applications.
2.    Van de Graff generator.
3.    Potentiometer with applications (internal resistance of a primary cell and comparing emf).
4.    Force on a current carrying conductor.
5.    Ampere’s circuital law and its applications (solenoid and toroid).
6.    Force between two parallel currents.
7.    Torque on a current carrying coil.
8.    Moving coil galvanometer.
9.    Time period of a bar magnet placed in an external magnetic field.
10.  A. C. Generator.
11.  Power dissipated in LCR.
12.  Refraction through a spherical surface.
13.  Lens makers’ formula.
14.  Compound microscope and telescope (image formation and derivation of magnification).
15.  Huygens’s principle used for law of reflection and refraction.
16.  Derivation of fringe width.
17.  Effects of photoelectric current on different parameters (with graph).
18.  Davisson – Germer experiment.
19.  Binding energy curve.
20.  Half wave and full wave rectifiers.
21.  Zener diode and its application as voltage regulator.
22.  NPN – CE transistor amplifier.
23.  Transistor as an oscillator.
24.  Modulation and its necessity.
25.  Amplitude modulation and detection with block diagrams.
All the Best!!

Be the part of magic...

This beautiful board was prepared by four students of class XI of Ahlcon International School as outside board of Physics Lab (only in few hours.... )
Incredible effort......

Thanks to you all for your contribution......

Special thanks to Shalini Madam for her Samsung click the photograph.