Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blending Learning with 21st Century Skills

“This article focuses on the transition that took place in the styles of cognition from last century to this century, particularly in the ways of communication which have transformed our living and learning styles. It also throws light on how an individual can be a partner in educating digital natives by adapting different aspects of metacognition. It is clearly demonstrated that how 21st century classrooms will look like and how a learner facilitator can develop active learning environment in his own classrooms. Blended learning, a powerful technique for the process centric practices of knowing the ways of knowing, is discussed in detail and it is also discussed that how Blended learning can help in achieving 21st century skills”

Published in Teacher (A Magazine of Australian Council for Educational Research); Vol.8 No.2 (2014)8

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Android App can be used in flipping physics instructions .........

Got an opportunity to demonstrate how Android App can be developed and used in Flipping Physics Instructions through Reinforcement and Assessment in 2nd Annual Convention of Indian Association of Physics Teachers (April 15' 2014) on Use of ICT in Physics Teaching

I greatly acknowledge the guidance and support of my principal Mr. Ashok K Pandey. This work was initiated under the guidance of Ms. Meera Dutta, Instructor for the course ‘Mobile Computing & Applications’ of second semester of my M. Tech. (Educational technology). I thank her for her guidance during term end stay at NIIT University where I have learnt using AppsGyeser. My sincere appreciation goes to all the authors whose work I have cited in this study. Financial assistance of Ahlcon International School and NIIT University for the course is highly acknowledged.