4/05/2013 – 9/05/2013
Objectives of the workshop – It was
an endeavor into making all the teachers proficient in making optimal use of it
in teaching – learning process.
1. As we
are dealing with 21s century learners who are Digital Natives and we teachers
digital Immigrants we need to know about the 3R’s and the 7C’s which are as
2. 3R’S- Reading
+ Writing + Rithematic (arithmetic)
3. 7C’S-
Critical thinking& problem solving
4. Creativity
& Innovation
5. Communication
6. Collaboration
& leadership
7. Cross
cultural understanding
8. Career&
learning self- reliance
9. Computer&
ICT literacy
10. And of
all these 7cs computer literacy needs to be on the top to make teachers shift their
roles to facilitators by creating comfortable learning environment for
11. As we
are in the age of collaborative learning we need to have new pedagogic al
approaches and for this we need to make use ICT tools to deliver the contents
12. Flipping
rote learning to experimentation and activity based learning.
13. We need
to enroll ourselves in virtual learning courses
like Mooc and Coursera (on line courses)
14. Develop
own blogs and web sites.
15. We learnt
the following-
16. Learning
management system (LMS)-using software application for administration,
documentation, training, reporting and delivery of education courses or
training programs.
17. We
learnt how use the keys and functions of the computer and then made Document on
Microsoft Word. Explored the various options on Home Page.
18. We
refreshed our knowledge of - select, highlight, change font, size cut , copy
and paste, and undo a command.
19. Learnt
the use of thesaurus, margin, line spacing etc., making use of hyperlink,
editing rows and columns making tables.
20. Use of
bullets and numbering
21. Making
Power Point Presentations-how to insert slides, use of text box, inserting, resizing
images and making Master slide templates.
22. How to
use blog for taking and inserting photographs.
23. How to
use E-mail and internet, its general structure and creating an e-mail account,
send e-mails and add attachments.
24. Introduction
to SMART BOARDS, NOTEBOOK 11- Touch recognition
25. Use of
finger, selecting pen and eraser use of slide bar, opening a new file etc.,
26. Working
on smart board was a new and good experience.
entire session was good. We learnt many new things and some knowledge was
refreshed. In the end we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to honorable
Principal Sir Mr. Ashok Kumar Pandey, esteemed Headmistress ma’am Ms Promela
Mehta who gave us this wonderful opportunity to learn and grow. We are also
thankful to our Resource person Mr. S C Joshi who had been very encouraging and
patient with us and training and enlightening.
Report (above) is based on the draft forwarded (on May 11' 13) by Ms. Promila Mehta, Headmistress Ahlcon International School. I appreciate Ms. Mehta and Ms. Manju Garg (writing & editing) for the same.
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