Howdy (Official greeting of Texas A&M University)!

It's completely a new beginning as a graduate student here at Texas A&M University (TAMU) as I have started my degree with learning sciences in Educational Psychology at TAMU. This is a different experience than that I had in the past, I mean, quitting the job, particularly at the this juncture life, and getting into the student life once again :).
This semester (Fall 2015), I am enrolled for three courses (core courses; EPSY 622 - Measurement and Evaluation in Education, EPSY 635 - Educational Statistics, and EDTC - 645 Emerging Technologies for Learning-I).
Bit excitement, lots of worries. Overall, it's a mixed experience. After serving as a teacher for almost 18 years, it's nice to be a student.
This semester (Fall 2015), I am enrolled for three courses (core courses; EPSY 622 - Measurement and Evaluation in Education, EPSY 635 - Educational Statistics, and EDTC - 645 Emerging Technologies for Learning-I).
Bit excitement, lots of worries. Overall, it's a mixed experience. After serving as a teacher for almost 18 years, it's nice to be a student.
TAMU is a great place for learning (and for living too). It's a place of 'happenings.' It has a nice culture of adopting variety of learners joining TAMU every semester.
I am humbled, and would like to spread a word of thanks and gratitude to all those who have been little or huge means, some way or the other, to my learning journey. I am looking forward to get plentiful such people in my way forward.
With that said, I take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to Ahlcon International School and my Principal there (June 01' 2006 - August 07' 2015), Mr. Ashok K Pandey, without whose motivation and guidance I wouldn’t have even thought of pursuing my professional career as a researcher.
It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, and my deepest sense of gratitude to my wife Kalpana Joshi, for her contribution in providing conducive environment at home, and making me free from all my household responsibilities time to time, furthermore, to my daughter Kaatyayani Joshi, whose countless days and hours I have stolen during the course of preparation to get into this program. I love my newly born son Aditya Joshi (9 months) very much and I enjoy his activities through Skype. But I get worried when he doesn't recognize me :(.
I can't go away without thanking my provisional supervisor here at TAMU, Dr. Susan Pedersen, who actually gets the credit of bringing me here.
I perceive as this opportunity as a huge milestone in my career progression. I hope I will be able to use this program to gain skills and knowledge in the best possible way that I can.
With that said, I take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to Ahlcon International School and my Principal there (June 01' 2006 - August 07' 2015), Mr. Ashok K Pandey, without whose motivation and guidance I wouldn’t have even thought of pursuing my professional career as a researcher.
It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my best regards, and my deepest sense of gratitude to my wife Kalpana Joshi, for her contribution in providing conducive environment at home, and making me free from all my household responsibilities time to time, furthermore, to my daughter Kaatyayani Joshi, whose countless days and hours I have stolen during the course of preparation to get into this program. I love my newly born son Aditya Joshi (9 months) very much and I enjoy his activities through Skype. But I get worried when he doesn't recognize me :(.
I can't go away without thanking my provisional supervisor here at TAMU, Dr. Susan Pedersen, who actually gets the credit of bringing me here.
I perceive as this opportunity as a huge milestone in my career progression. I hope I will be able to use this program to gain skills and knowledge in the best possible way that I can.