"Presented article talks about Game
Based Teaching Model (GBTM) that applies inquiry as a strategy to teach and
learn, connect classroom teaching with real life experiences and prove as
a useful demonstration tool for instructions in physics classrooms. It
advocates motivating children to learn through their surrounding games. This
methodology may serve to teach physics principles to middle and high school
students using play as the basic component of the approach. It also develops
skills of pre-knowledge, logical reasoning, concentration and nurture inquisition
based scientific temperament in learner. It further develops strategy making
and problem solving (monitoring) among the students. This model displays how to
overcome traditional teaching methods (pure lecturing and chalk-talk), how to
draw student’s attention in the class and how to convert initial ‘thrust’ into
‘ample engagement’ strengthening active learning"
Published in Teacher (A Magazine of Australian Council for Educational Research); Vol.8 No.3 (2014)6-9.